eBird is available throughout the world. In addition to the core eBird site we have a number of regional teams, which are managed by local partners and provide local information and birding expertise. When visiting a region or planning a visit to that region, we encourage you to check information from these partners that is visible on the Explore a Region pages for the regional team.
Regional Teams
United States
- Alaska eBird
- Arkansas eBird
- eBird Northwest
- Maine eBird
- New Hampshire eBird
- Minnesota eBird
- Montana eBird
- Virginia eBird
- Vermont eBird
- Wisconsin eBird
- eBird Mexico (aVerAves)
Central America
South America
- eBird España
- eBird Italia
- PortugalAves
- eKuşbank (eBird Türkiye)
Australia & New Zealand
Bird Atlases
- Israel Breeding Bird Atlas
- Maine Bird Atlas
- Maryland & DC Breeding Bird Atlas 3
- New Zealand Bird Atlas
- NY Breeding Bird Atlas III
- Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas 2
- Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II
Partners and Collaborators
We’re fortunate to collaborate with these groups through our Regional Portals, making eBird work better for you anywhere in the world.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
A nonprofit membership institution that interprets and conserves the earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds. Founded in 1915 by pioneering ornithologist Dr. Arthur A. Allen, the Lab continues to build on “Doc” Allen’s recognition of the significant contribution that bird watchers can make to ornithology by providing unique opportunities for birders to participate in hands-on science and conservation efforts.
Dedicated to protecting birds and other wildlife and the habitat that supports them. Our growing network of community-based Audubon Centers, grass roots science programs for bird enthusiasts, and advocacy on behalf of ecosystems sustaining important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and backgrounds in positive conservation experiences.
National Science Foundation
The NSF initiates and supports scientific research and programs to strengthen scientific research potential, and also supports education programs at all levels. The material on this web site is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ESI-0087760. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Wolf Creek Charitable Foundation
Leon Levy Foundation
Asociación Bogotana de Ornitología
ABO´s mission is to carry out, promote and divulge research directed towards conservation of wild birds and their natural habitats in the Sabana de Bogotá region and the Cundinamarca department. Promote awareness and environmental education with the community through courses, lectures and workshops.
Asociación Colombiana de Ornitología
ACO´s mission is to promote the development of Colombian ornithology through the generation and diffusion of scientific knowledge of birds for their conservation.
Asociación para el estudio y conservación de las aves acuáticas en Colombia “Calidris”
Calidris´ mission is to contribute to the conservation of birds and ecosystems of importance to them. Through knowledge, participation and sustainable use of natural resources.
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
The mission of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Alaska, is to manage, protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game, and aquatic plant resources of Alaska. The complementary mission of the Division of Wildlife Conservation is to conserve and enhance Alaska?s wildlife and habitats and provide for a wide range of public uses and in recognition that wildlife as a public trust belongs to all Alaskans.
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s mission is to conserve and enhance Arkansas’s fish and wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support.
Argentina Ministry of Science, Technology, and Productive Innovation
The MSTP finances research, provides infrastructure, promotes the link between the academic and product systems, and disseminates knowledge produced by scientific-technological work and its applications in society.
Argentina National System of Biological Data
The National System of Biological Data (SNDB) is a joint initiative between the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and the Inter-institutional Council of Science and Technology ( CICyT ) framed within the Great Instruments and Databases Program.
The SNDB’s mission is to create a unified database of biological information, based on taxonomic, ecological, cartographic, bibliographic, ethnobiological, and to use and catalog data on natural resources and other related topics.
Association of Naturalists of the Southeast
The Association of Naturalists of the Southeast, ANSE , is a non-profit, independent and independent social organization. Its purposes are the sharing, study and defense of nature and the environment in the southeast of Spain. ANSE was founded in 1973, making it the oldest ecological and naturalist association in Murcia and Alicante, and the fourth in Spain.
Audubon Alaska
The mission of Audubon Alaska is to conserve Alaska’s natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats, for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations.
Audubon New York
As a state office of the National Audubon Society, Audubon New York’s mission is to protect birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow.
Audubon Pennsylvania
The society’s mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity in Pennsylvania.
Audubon Society of Missouri
The society is dedicated to the preservation and protection of birds and other wildlife; to education and appreciation of the natural world; and to effective wildlife and habitat conservation practices.
Audubon Vermont
For more than 100 years, Audubon Vermont has protected birds, wildlife and their habitat through engaging people of all ages in education, conservation, stewardship and action.
Our programs include the Forest Bird Initiative, the Champlain Valley Bird Initiative, and the Green Mountain Audubon Center, a 255-acre Important Bird Area and education facility in Huntington, Vermont.
We engage more than 6,000 people annually in conservation education programs. We work with more than 400 land owners, covering over 300,000 acres. Our efforts increase the population of threatened species in Vermont, including the Common Tern, the Peregrine Falcon and the Bald Eagle.
Aves Argentinas
Aves Argentinas’ mission is the the conservation of wild birds and their habitats. Its vision is to increase awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation through advocacy, education, publicity and research, with special attention to birds which, as environmental indicators, help to improve our quality of life.
Avistar Brasil
Bird Conservation Network
BCN is a coalition organization whose current members are 19 bird clubs, Audubon groups, ornithological societies and other conservation organizations located primarily in the Chicago metropolitan area. The members of our member groups aggregate in excess of 40,000 people. BCN’s mission is the conservation of birds and the habitats they need to survive. There is no full time staff; BCN’s board is made up of volunteer representatives from the member groups who carry out the needed work.
Bird Count India
BCN aims to document the distribution and abundance of Indian birds, from the finest scale (eg, within a city) to the largest(across the country). Through the collection of information on birds across seasons and years, BCN hopes to enable a better understanding of seasonal patterns of movement of birds, and to monitor changes in distribution and abundance of birds over long periods. BCN tries to meet these goals by conducting periodic bird events and activities; by offering support and resources to birding groups conducting their own events; and by putting together useful information on bird monitoring.
Birds Canada
Birds Canada is a non-profit, charitable organization built on the enthusiastic contributions of thousands of caring members and volunteer Citizen Scientists. Their mission is to conserve wild birds through sound science, on-the-ground actions, innovative partnerships, public engagement and science-based advocacy.
BirdLife International
BirdLife International is a global partnership of conservation organisations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.
Birding Canarias
Birding Canarias is a company with a spirit of environmental organization that aims to conserve the fragile biodiversity of the Canary Islands. For this purpose, it has an important group of collaborators that develop information and share actions on natural values, work to conserve of species and habitats, conduct research on ecology and population status, develop cooperative programs with local populations in North-West Africa, and engage with citizens.
Birding the Strait
Birding the Strait is a company founded by Javi Elorriaga and Yeray Seminario, bilingual ornithologists turned nature guides. We have extensive experience in ornithology, nature conservation and wildlife photography. We are local birders, based in Tarifa, Strait of Gibraltar. We share a passion for birds, wildlife photography and life-long learners who are curious about the year-round migration between Europe and Africa. We strive enthusiastically to make every trip a most rewarding experience.
Birds Caribbean
BirdsCaribbean, formerly The Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB), is a nonprofit membership organization working to conserve the birds of the Caribbean and their habitats through research, education, conservation action and capacity building. Founded in 1988, BirdsCaribbean is the largest single bird conservation organization in the Greater Caribbean region, including Bermuda, the Bahamas and all islands within the Caribbean basin.
The overarching goal of BirdsCaribbean is to increase the capacity of Caribbean ornithologists, resource managers, conservation organizations, institutions, and local citizens to conserve the birds of the Caribbean and their habitats. We aim to achieve this by 1) developing regional conservation projects, activities, and materials that facilitate local research, management, conservation, education and outreach, and 2) Building networks and partnerships with local, national and international organizations and institutions that share our bird conservation goals.
BirdsCaribbean holds a week-long biennial meeting, has a number of active Working Groups and publishes The Journal of Caribbean Ornithology and two bi-annual newsletters. With assistance from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, BirdsCaribbean also sponsors the publication of local bird field guides. The society works to raise public awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the value of the region’s many endemic bird species and their habitats through two flagship programs: the Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) and the West Indian Whistling-Duck (WIWD) and Wetlands Conservation Project. BirdsCaribbean also raises awareness about migratory birds through celebration of International Migratory Bird Day. To learn more, visit www.birdscaribbean.org.
Birds New Zealand
Birds New Zealand is committed to the study of birds and their habitat use within New Zealand through encouraging members and organising projects and schemes. Activities are organised at both, national and regional level, with 20 regions providing a local network for members to engage in bird studies. We promote the recording and wide circulation of the results of bird studies and observations through the production of a scientific journal and other publications promoting birds in New Zealand. Birds New Zealand seeks to assist the conservation and management of birds by providing information, from which sound management decisions can be derived.
Birds of Vermont Museum
The mission of the Birds of Vermont Museum is to provide education, to nurture an appreciation of the environment, and to study birds and their habitats using woodcarvings and other museum resources.
Caja Navarra Banking Foundation
Caja Navarra Banking Foundation is a private, non-profit foundation, which aims to promote the social, economic, and cultural progress of Navarra.
Cape May Bird Observatory
Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions
The vision of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) is to be the world’s leading research centre for solving environmental management problems and for evaluating the outcomes of environmental actions.
We will benefit environmental science, policy and management across Australia and around the world by solving complex problems of environmental management and monitoring in a rapidly changing and uncertain world.
Chilean Ministry of the Environment
The mission of the Chilean Ministry of the Environment is to lead sustainable development through the generation of efficient public policies and regulations and promoting good practices and improving citizen environmental education.
Chinese Wild Bird Federation
CWBF is a public welfare association filed by the Ministry of the Interior to bring together volunteers who care for the natural environment. Through the following purposes and tasks, they aim to provide good quality of life today, and leave natural beauty for future generations: appreciate, study and conserve wild birds and their habitats; promote the concept of protecting the natural environment; accept the various measures for the protection of wild birds, such as education, publicity, the establishment and management of protected areas; published research reports of wild birds and related books and materials; participate in international conferences, exchange visits with international conservation groups and enhance the image of conservation in our country.
Coastal Virginia Wildlife Observatory
A non-profit organization with a mission of protecting wildlife through field research, education and habitat conservation.
An Inter-Ministerial Commission mainly dedicated to: conform and keep updated the National System of Biodiversity Information (SNIB); support projects and studies focused on the knowledge and sustainable use of biodiversity; advise governmental institutions and other sectors; undertake special projects; share the knowledge of biological diversity; follow up of international agreements related to biodiversity, and provide services to the public.
The mission of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) is to contribute to the sustainable management of native forests, xerophytic formations and forest plantations through by promoting awareness, control of forest-environmental legislation and the protection of vegetational resources, and the conservation of biological diversity through the National System of Protected Wild Areas, for the benefit of society.
Doğa Derneği
Doğa is the partner of BirdLife International in Turkey and its work is driven by the demand to take action to sustain biodiversity. Our mission is to defend the rights of nature in all its forms including all its processes, which are necessary for persistence of life on earth.
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation promotes private giving for the public good. By fostering generosity, civic engagement and inclusiveness, they strive to be a catalyst in regional philanthropy.
European Bird Census Council
The EBCC is an association of like-minded expert ornithologists cooperating in a range of ways to improve bird monitoring and atlas work and thereby inform and improve the management and conservation of birds populations in Europe.
The purpose of EBP is to establish a European data repository based on aggregated data from online bird recording portals from across Europe.
Fundación Ecológica Colibríes de Altaquer – FELCA
FELCA is an NGO that works with indigenous, afro-descendent and rural grassroots organizations in initiatives for alternative development, research, threatened species conservation, tropical ecosystems and local capacity building to generate incidence in regional, national and binational public policies to help improve the quality of life of communities in the northern Andes.
Fundación SELVA
SELVA’s mission is to undertake rigorous scientific research programs that facilitate the design, promotion and implementation of conservation actions for the benefit of the biodiversity and people of the Neotropics. To ensure that research outcomes are effectively translated into conservation solutions, we have a complimentary education and outreach program aimed at enhancing communication with stakeholders.
Galician Society of Ornithology
The SGO was founded for the purposes of the scientific study and the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in Galicia. In addition, it tries to promote among the citizens the knowledge, appreciation and respect of birds and nature in general.
Gorosti Society of Natural Sciences
The SCN Gorosti aim to know the nature of Navarra in order to preserve it.
GREFA (Group of Rehabilitation of the Native Fauna and its Habitat) is a non-governmental non-profit organization, started in 1981 as an association for the study and conservation of nature. It is formed by people sensitive to certain human activities that cause the deterioration and destruction of part of our natural environment.
Guyra Paraguay
GUYRA PARAGUAY is a non-profit civil society organization that works to defend and protect Paraguay’s biological diversity and the organized action of the population to ensure the necessary living space for future generations and that future generations can meet representative samples of the natural wealth of Paraguay.
Houston Audubon
Houston Audubon is a financially independent 501(c)(3) charitable conservation organization registered in the state of Texas. Their 10-year strategic vision and priorities through 2023 states:
“The flight and song we nurture today defines the quality of life and sense of place we share tomorrow. Houston Audubon aims to inspire a culture of conservation and a way of life that allows us to thrive in harmony with nature. Our vision is the creation of a healthier, more beautiful place to live by leading and nurturing a community that values and supports birds.”
Instituto Butantan
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
Instituto Humboldt´s mission is to promote, coordinate and perform research that contributes to the knowledge, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as a factor for the development and wellbeing of Colombian society. We network with multiple organizations, with the capability of influencing decision-making and public policy. As part of our functions, the Institute is in charge of performing, within the continental territory of Colombia, scientific research about biodiversity, including hydrobiological and genetic resources.
Itsas Enara Ornitologia Elkartea
Itsas Enara Ornitologia Elkartea is a non-profit association that brings together people of all ages, professions and ideologies who share their passion for birds. The objective of the group is to study, disseminate and conserve the birds and their Gipuzkoan ecosystems. Itsas Enara OE was formed in 1992 by the union of the members of the marine mammals and birds section of the Oceanographic Society of Gipuzkoa and the Motacilla ornithology group, with the clear aim of fighting for the conservation of the Gipuzkoan wetlands.
James E. Dutton Foundation
The James E. Dutton Foundation will make grants to organizations for programs which benefit wildlife, animal causes, the environment, and natural resources. In general, the Foundation will support those endeavors that provide care for wildlife and animals, provide animal rescue and/or shelter, enhance wildlife populations through habitat conservation, improvement, and/or restoration, land management, public awareness, and education.
Klamath Bird Observatory
The Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO) advances bird and habitat conservation through science, education, and partnerships in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion of southern Oregon and northern California. Conducting scientific studies to monitor and inventory bird populations, KBO contributes to Partners in Flight?s efforts to keep common birds common. KBO reaches out to local communities and schools through classroom and field visits, camps, bird walks and talks, visits to ecological monitoring stations, and community events. KBO expands the effectiveness and scope of its science and education programs through collaboration with an array of partners.
Lonely Birder
The Lonely Birder website features information on wild places of interest to the birdwatcher in Spain and the rest of the world, and establishments that can make any birdwatching trip easier and more comfortable.
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) preserves, protects, and enhances the inland fisheries and wildlife resources of the state. Established in 1880 to protect big game populations, MDIFW has since evolved in scope to include protection and management of fish, non-game wildlife, and habitats, as well as restoration of endangered species like the bald eagle.
Manomet Inc.
A nonprofit membership organization based in coastal Massachusetts. Its mission is to conserve natural resources for the benefit of wildlife and human populations. Through research and collaboration, Manomet builds science-based, cooperative solutions to environmental problems.
Mary F. Donald and the Arthur J. Donald Family Foundation
Mass Audubon
The Massachusetts Audubon Society is the largest conservation organization in New England, concentrating its efforts on protecting the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife. Mass Audubon protects more than 30,000 acres of conservation land, conducts educational programs for 250,000 children and adults annually, and advocates for sound environmental policies at the local, state, and federal levels. Established in 1896 and supported by 65,000 member households, Mass Audubon maintains 43 wildlife sanctuaries that are open to the public and serve as the base for its conservation, education, and advocacy work across the state.
Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union
The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union (MOU) fosters the science and study of Minnesota’s birds and promotes the conservation of birds and their natural habitats in Minnesota.
Missouri Department of Conservation
The mission of the MDC is to protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife resources of the state; to facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources.
Montana Audubon
The mission of Montana Audubon is to promote appreciation, knowledge and conservation of Montana’s native birds, other wildlife, and natural ecosystems to safeguard biological diversity for current and future generations. Founded in 1976, we have built effective programs in public policy, education, and bird conservation to serve our members and Montana’s nine community-based National Audubon Chapters.
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin provides sustainable funding for Wisconsin’s most imperiled species and public lands, while helping citizens connect with Wisconsin’s unique natural places.
The Nature Conservancy
The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
Nature Society (Singapore)
Nature Society (Singapore) is a non-government, non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation, conservation, study and enjoyment of the natural heritage in Singapore, Malaysia and the surrounding region.
North American Bird Conservation Initiative
NABCI aims to ensure that populations and habitats of North America’s birds are protected, restored and enhanced through coordinated efforts at international, national, regional and local levels guided by sound science and effective management. It is designed to increase the effectiveness of existing and new initiatives through: Effective coordination; building on existing regional partnerships, such as the Joint Ventures; and fostering greater cooperation among the nations and the peoples of the continent.
The Neotropical Bird Club
The Neotropical Bird Club is an international organisation for birders and ornithologists interested in the birds of the Neotropics (Middle & South America and the Caribbean). The NBC has been helping to conserve the birds of the Neotropics since it was founded in 1994. It publishes two journal: a peer-reviewed scientific journal Cotinga which is published once a year, and Neotropical Birding magazine which is published twice a year. Both are available in print and digital formats. The NBC runs a Conservation Awards Programme which gives small grants for conservation work or research, carried out by nationals and / or residents of countries in the Neotropics, which are of conservation benefit to the birds of the region.
New Hampshire Audubon Society
Founded in 1914 with an original focus on protecting and restoring migratory bird populations decimated by hunting and collection in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, today’s NH Audubon provides: environmental education programs throughout the state; statewide conservation research and wildlife monitoring; protection of nearly 8,000 acres of wildlife habitat in 38 sanctuaries; environmental public policy and science-based advocacy.
New Jersey Audubon Society
The New Jersey Audubon Society is a privately supported, not-for profit, statewide membership organization. Founded in 1897, and one of the oldest independent Audubon societies, New Jersey Audubon has no connection with the National Audubon Society.
New Jersey Audubon fosters environmental awareness and a conservation ethic among New Jersey’s citizens; protects New Jersey’s birds, mammals, other animals, and plants, especially endangered and threatened species; and promotes preservation of New Jersey’s valuable natural habitats.
New York Natural Heritage Program
The mission of the NYNHP is to facilitate conservation of New York’s biodiversity by providing comprehensive information and scientific expertise on rare species and natural ecosystems to resource managers and other conservation partners.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
The NYS DEC’s mission is to conserve, improve and protect New York’s natural resources and environment and to prevent, abate and control water, land and air pollution, in order to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the people of the state and their overall economic and social well-being.
DEC’s goal is to achieve this mission through the simultaneous pursuit of environmental quality, public health, economic prosperity and social well-being, including environmental justice and the empowerment of individuals to participate in environmental decisions that affect their lives.
New York State Ornithological Association
The objectives of NYSOA are to document the ornithology of New York State; to foster interest in and appreciation of birds; and to protect birds and their habitats.
North Branch Nature Center
The North Branch Nature Center (NBNC) had its start in 1996 as part of Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS). Since that time, NBNC has undergone many changes, but educating about the natural world has been the driving force of the Nature Center from its inception. In 2006, NBNC spun off from VINS to become an independent nonprofit organization. Today the North Branch Nature Center is thriving and offers many benefits to the community.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
The mission of ODFW is to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations.
Para La Naturaleza
Para la Naturaleza brings together every person who wants a sustainable future for Puerto Rico, where our children can grow up in habitable cities, swim in the crystal-clear waters of our rivers and feed themselves off the land.
Pennsylvania Game Commission
The PGC ‘s mission is to manage Pennsylvania’s wild birds, wild mammals, and their habitats for current and future generations
Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology
The PSO is a group of birders from across the commonwealth devoted to birding and wild bird conservation. Their members range from neophyte birders to professional ornithologists. All are welcome!
Point Blue Conservation Science
The mission of Point Blue Conservation Science (founded as Point Reyes Bird Observatory in 1965) is dedicated to conserving birds, other wildlife and ecosystems through innovative scientific research and outreach.
Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds
SPEA’s mission is to work towards the study and the conservation of wild birds and their habitats by promoting sustainable development for the benefit of the future generations.
PUC-Rio was the first private higher education institution in the country, created by the Catholic Church. It was founded in 1940 by Cardinal D. Sebastião Leme and Father Leonel Franca S.J.
Puerto Rican Ornithological Society
The Puerto Rican Ornithological Society, Inc. (SOPI) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the study, conservation, and appreciation of birds in Puerto Rico. Established in 1995, it is widely respected as a specialist resource for the conservation of Puerto Rico’s birds and biodiversity. SOPI has a Board of Directors and a membership that comprises ornithologists, university professors, and volunteers dedicated to the success of the organization and its activities.
Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile
The Bird and Wildlife Watching Network of Chile , or simply the ROC , is a non-profit, naturalist organization whose main objective is the protection of birds and nature in Chile.
Regroupement QuébecOiseaux
Founded in 1981, the Regroupement QuébecOiseaux (previously the Quebec Association of Ornithological Groups) is a non-profit organization that brings together and represents individuals and organizations interested in the study, observation and protection of birds of Quebec. It groups Quebec birdwatching clubs and societies, individual members, and affiliated organizations. Its objectives are: to promote the development of ornithological leisure, promote the study of birds and ensure their protection and that of their habitats.
SAVE Brasil
SAVE Brasil strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.
SEO/BirdLife has been working on the conservation of birds and their habitats since it was founded in 1954, conducting scientific studies, disseminating knowledge, performing activities related to international cooperation and developing environmental programs with volunteers.
Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología
SAO´s mission is to promote the conservation of wild birds and their habitats on a regional and national level, through research, education and community outreach programs.
Sociedad Caldense de Ornitología
SCO´s mission is to support the conservation of birds and their habitats in Caldas, by studying them and by sensitizing, raising awareness and building capacities for communities in topics related to birds, their observation and conservation to ensure we can all enjoy them in the future.
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) works to protect the open spaces and preserve the biodiversity of the land of Israel through environmental activism, education and eco-tourism.
State University of New York—College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
The TPWD’s mission is to manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Turkish Bird Records Committee
The Turkish Bird Records Committee was formed in 2015 as a co-owner of the Turkish eBird Portal, together with Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Doğa Derneği.
U.S. Geological Survey
The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. Our scientists develop new methods and tools to supply timely, relevant, and useful information about the Earth and its processes.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conserves, protects, and enhances fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Fund
Recognizing the importance of conserving migratory birds, the Congress of the United States passed the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (Act, or NMBCA) in 2000. The Act establishes a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean that promote the long-term conservation of Neotropical migratory birds and their habitats. The goals of the Act include perpetuating healthy populations of these birds, providing financial resources for bird conservation initiatives, and fostering international cooperation for such initiatives. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with assistance from an international Advisory Group, manages a grants program to implement the terms of this legislation.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Wildlife Without Borders-Latin American and Caribbean Program
In 1983, the service established the Wildlife Without Borders-Latin America and the Caribbean program to implement the Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere, and to provide expertise in wildlife and habitat conservation throughout the region. Recognizing the continuing acute shortage of training opportunities for career professionals in wildlife conservation and protected area management in the region. WWB-LAC continues to support capacity-building initiatives in ways that draw upon the experience, knowledge and expertise of current and past grantees, with a priority focus on protected areas and their buffer zones in ecosystems of global significance.
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
We are an innovative, independent research group dedicated to the understanding and conservation of birds and other wildlife. We bring 20 years of experience to our core mission of promoting conservation practices to benefit biodiversity. With a reach extending from northern New England through the Caribbean to South America, our work in wildlife research and population monitoring unites people and science for conservation.
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
The department’s mission is “the conservation of fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the people of Vermont.” Other challenges include providing quality fish and wildlife-based recreation and reaching Vermonters with the best possible information about these resources.
Virginia Audubon Council
The Virginia Audubon Council (VAC) is a coalition of the six Audubon chapters in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We exist to support chapter efforts and to address issues of common concern whether they be aligning chapter goals and objectives with National Audubon Society’s wider strategic plan or to address conservation issues in Virginia. Currently, the VAC is engaged in strengthening the Important Bird Area program in Virginia which consists of 20 IBAs comprising over 3.5 million acres of habitat and is also spearheading with the assistance of grants and fellowships a program to increase Wood Thrush populations in the Commonwealth.
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries’ mission is to:
Conserve and manage wildlife populations and habitat for the benefit of present and future generations.
Connect people to Virginia’s outdoors through boating, education, fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing, and other wildlife-related activities.
Protect people and property by promoting safe outdoor experiences and managing human-wildlife conflicts.
Virginia Society of Ornithology
The Virginia Society of Ornithology exists to encourage the systematic study of birds in Virginia, to stimulate interest in birds, and to assist the conservation of wildlife and other natural resources. All persons interested in those objectives are welcome as members. Present membership includes every level of interest, from professional scientific ornithologists to enthusiastic amateurs. The VSO is a 501(c)3 organization.
Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment
Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment is the only college specializing in natural resource education, research, and outreach in Virginia. Their departments and programs consistently rank among the top in the country. They have built upon our existing strengths to become an innovative leader in environmental and natural resource science, discovering and sharing the knowledge needed to sustainably manage our resources for future generations.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
WDFWs mission is to preserve, protect and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.
We Energies Foundation
Since 1982, the We Energies Foundation (formerly Wisconsin Energy Foundation) has contributed financial support for the activities of nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations in communities that are served by the company. The foundation is funded by stockholders of WEC Energy Group, the parent company.
Western Great Lakes Bird and Bay Observatory
The WGLBBO’s mission is to advance the conservation of birds and bats in Wisconsin and throughout the Western Great Lakes Region through coordinated research, monitoring, and education.
Wild Bird Club Malaysia
The vision of Wild Bird Club Malaysia is to see a country and region where nature and people live in greater harmony and more sustainably. Wild Bird Club Malaysia’s mission is to strive to conserve Malaysia’s unique birds and their habitats through promoting best practices for bird-watching and encouraging people to enjoy birds and value nature.
Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative
The Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative is a cooperative partnership of over 150 different agencies, conservation groups, businesses, etc. designed to deliver the full spectrum of bird conservation emphasizing voluntary stewardship.
Wisconsin Citizen-Based Monitoring Network
The WCBM Network is a comprehensive stakeholder collaboration designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring efforts by providing coordination, communications, technical and financial resources and recognition to members of the Wisconsin citizen-based monitoring community.
Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP) is dedicated to preserving and improving access to the natural and historic resources of Wisconsin’s Great Lakes coasts. Since 1978, the program has worked cooperatively with state, local, and tribal government agencies and non-profit organizations to manage the ecological, economic, and aesthetic assets of the Great Lakes coastal areas.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
The DNR is dedicated to working with the citizens and businesses of Wisconsin while preserving and enhancing the natural resources of Wisconsin. In partnership with individuals and organizations, DNR staff manage fish, wildlife, forests, parks, air and water resources while promoting a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities.
Wisconsin Society for Ornithology
The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology was organized in 1939 to encourage the study of Wisconsin birds. The aims have since expanded to emphasize all of the many enjoyable aspects of birding and to support the research and habitat protection necessary to preserve Wisconsin birdlife. WSO strives to alert members and the public to situations and practices that threaten Wisconsin’s bird populations.
ZEISS Sports Optics
Zeiss Sports Optics is a proven leader in sports optics and is the official optics sponsor for eBird.