Explore birds and hotspots near you and wherever you go, all based on the latest sightings from around the world.
Explore birds and hotspots near you and wherever you go, all based on the latest sightings from around the world.
Join the world's largest birding community. Every sighting matters. Contribute yours.
What's your latest life bird? What bird lists do you care about? eBird tallies them for you and archives your photos and sounds—all for free.
Your sightings contribute to hundreds of conservation decisions and peer-reviewed papers, thousands of student projects, and help inform bird research worldwide.
Your eBirding data helps create tools that can be used to further conservation, inspire support, and inform ecological management strategies. eBird in Action is a segment which shares the conservation stories made possible because of your contributions.
Did you know there are over 2,000 volunteer eBird reviewers around the world? Volunteer reviewers play an important role ensuring the eBird database remains reliable and accurate for science and conservation.
The annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is Friday, February 14 through Monday, February 17. The GBBC was one of the first online projects to collect information on wild birds and was also instrumental in the creation of eBird back in 2002.
Easy data entry from the field, even when offline. All your lists and stats in your pocket. Wherever you go, eBird is there. Available in 27 languages on iOS and Android, all for free.