
Zambia News

  • Climbing Mount Mumpu

    It must be 15 years ago that I first saw Mount Mumpu – from the confines of a Cessna plane. It looked absolutely glorious, basking in the sun, surrounded by quartzite hill ridges and wet grasslands, in a seemingly endless sea of pristine miombo woodlands interspersed only by more dambos, forest-lined streams and yet more […]

  • A Redshank and a Waterbird Count at Huntley Farm, Chisamba, in January 2024

    One of the real perks of living next door to Fringilla Lodge these days is that it takes me just 10 minutes to get to Huntley Farm. This is one of the best-known birding localities in central Zambia, for very good reasons.

  • Restoring the Barotse Floodplains, the Land of the Kuomboka.

    Swithin Kashulwe – BirdWatch Zambia It is nearly impossible to discuss the Barotse Floodplains without highlighting the significance of the Kuomboka ceremony, an iconic traditional ceremony in Zambia celebrated by the Lozi people in the Western Province. At the heart of the Barotse Floodplains is the Kuomboka ceremony, a symbolic and revered tradition that underscores […]

  • BirdWalk Shambololo Farm on 23rd April 2023

    Shambololo Farm is always a good birding destination as there is a variety of habitats with open grassland, woodland, reedbeds and a big dam. We walked for 5.6km in just over 3 hours and saw 61 bird species altogether.

  • eBird/Merlin App Workshops in Lusaka, and Copperbelt Provinces - Zambia (30th November - 3 December 2022)

    Have you been struggling with using both the eBird and Merlin Apps to record bird sightings? Have you been using different Apps and would like to learn how to use the two Apps to collect and share data and checklists with others?

  • Third Annual Southern Zambia Birding Festival 26 November—3 December 2022 (update)

    So many weeks have passed since we circulated our initial flyer announcing the Third Annual Southern Zambia Birding Festival (ASZBF3) that you may either have forgotten about it or thought that it simply wasn’t happening. Well, it is!

  • Marvellous days of raptor tagging in Liuwa Plain NP

      Marvellous days of raptor tagging in Liuwa Plain NP, 2 to 6 July 2022. Our focus was fitting Vultures with satellite tags to track movements and gain insights into ecology and threats – much needed considering their globally threatened status and lack of Zambian data.

  • Second Annual Wildlife Art Exhibition 26 November 2022 — 28 February 2023 First Call For Submissions

    Following the success of the 2021 Exhibition, we are pleased to invite submissions for Zambia’s Second Annual Wildlife Art Exhibition which will be formally opened at the National Art Gallery in Livingstone on Saturday 26 November and run for three months thereafter. As was the case last year, the Exhibition will be run in associated […]

  • There Is Still Hope For Birds and The Environment

    Zambia is home to over 780 bird species. These species play different roles in the environment and the ecosystem.

  • Finding the Zambian Barbet near Lusaka

    The bird on Zambia’s One Kwacha Coin – A True Zambian Bird By Andrew Mbenjile The bird on the Zambian K1 coin is called the Zambian Barbet (Lybius chaplini). This bird was named in honor of Sir Francis Drummond Percy Chaplin, a former colonial governor.