Spinifex Pigeon ML627025426
Spinifex Pigeon Geophaps plumifera

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  • eBird in Action: Burning for Birds

    “Birds are one of the best tools that we have for communicating with landowners about the benefits of prescribed fire,” notes Peter Kleinhenz, Executive Director of Aiken Land Conservancy. Some bird species, including Northern Bobwhite and Bachman’s Sparrow, depend on periodic fires to maintain their preferred open woodland habitats.

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    December eBirder of the Month Challenge

    This month’s eBirder of the Month challenge, sponsored by ZEISS, is all about capturing birding memories through photos and audio recordings. Each photo or audio recording you upload is an incredibly powerful piece of data.

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eBirder of the Month

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eBird is a project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and is supported entirely by grants, sponsors, and donations.

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