
Third Annual Southern Zambia Birding Festival 26 November—3 December 2022 (update)

So many weeks have passed since we circulated our initial flyer announcing the Third Annual Southern Zambia Birding Festival (ASZBF3) that you may either have forgotten about it or thought that it simply wasn’t happening. Well, it is! We apologise for the delay following up which was due to, quite literally, circumstances totally beyond our control. Even now, we do not have a totally firm picture of all the events which we are planning as we look to secure and finalise sponsorship for some of them (and please do let us know if you’d be interested in making even a modest donation to one or other). But, most importantly, we do now have sufficient building blocks in place to move forward in the certain knowledge that we have a solid programme more or less in place for the week, as reflected in the update which we are circulating alongside this flyer. Note too that there is plenty of space for private operators to be offering commercial birding safaris throughout the week.

Beyond this, we would simply like to note that the first two days of the Festival will be graced by the participation of a team from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in the US, including eBird Project Coordinator Ian Davies who will, inter alia, be delivering lectures and leading related workshops in both Livingstone and Choma. We are indebted to Birdwatch Zambia for its assistance in securing Ian’s/eBird’s services.

Further details of all the planned events will follow as soon as possible. Meanwhile please do check out the accompanying provisional programme and mark relevant dates in your diary.


Alavan Business Advisory, Zambia

Coordinator and Principal Sponsor




Southern Zambia Birding Festival



Date Time Venue Event Status Notes
Saturday 26 Nov 1100-1200 The Livingstone Museum Official Opening of the Museum’s Nest Exhibition Provisional: Exhibition sponsorship to be finalised The official opening will be by Ian Davies, eBird Project Coordinator at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The exhibition will open to the general public (at a modest entry fee) a few days beforehand and run for around three months.
1400-1430 The National Art Gallery, Livingstone Formal opening of the Second Annual Wildlife Art Exhibition Confirmed (with modest sponsorship still to be finalised) The exhibition is being curated, once again, by Quentin Allen. A first call for submissions has already issued. The exhibition will run for around three months and admission is free of charge.
1430-1530 The National Art Gallery, Livingstone Third Annual Bob Stjernstedt Memorial Lecture Confirmed with the support of Birdwatch Zambia. To be delivered by Ian Davies, eBird Project Coordinator at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Details to follow.  Free.
1545-1800 The National Art Gallery, Livingstone/Dambwa Lagoons eBird ‘Field Workshop’ Confirmed A field workshop led by the eBird team and closely linked to the preceding lecture. Aimed principally at community leaders, teachers, professional guides etc but open to all birders.* Free.
1815-2130 Dambwa Lagoons/South Dambwa Compound, Zambezi Ward, Livingstone South Dambwa Cultural & Wildlife Tour Confirmed – with tours available every night subject to numbers and booking in advance Includes: Sundowners at the Dambwa Lagoons/Birding; Traditional Dancing by the SD children’s troupe; Discussion on sustainable community tourism and cohabitation with the community elders over traditional dinner at the home of one of the elders. This is not a free event, places are limited and booking must be made in advance – details to follow.
Saturday 26 Nov/Sunday 27 Nov All weekend Nationally Zambia Big Weekend (ZBW) Confirmed A 48-hour version of eBird’s Global Big Day. We hope to see Zambia’s birders – and visitors – out in force nationally during what is peak migrant season. Participation is free. Details to follow.
Saturday 26 Nov – Wednesday 30 Nov Depart LVI around 1730 26/11 for Nampene Island. Nampene Island Bird-ringing course Confirmed Further details will be circulated shortly by Zambezi Birding/Nampene Island, hosting the residential course.
Sunday 27 Nov 1400-1500 The Choma Museum Official Opening of the Museum’s Waterbird Exhibition by Ian Davies, eBird Project Coordinator at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Provisional: Exhibition sponsorship to be finalised Updated since its original showing in Livingstone, the exhibition is based on three decades of biannual waterbird counts in Livingstone, its transfer to Choma having been delayed by covid. It will run for around three months and admission for the general public after the official opening will be subject to a modest entry fee.
1515-1615 The Choma Museum Third Annual Bob Stjernstedt Memorial Lecture Confirmed with the support of Birdwatch Zambia. Bringing the lecture to Choma for the very first time! To be delivered by Ian Davies, eBird Project Coordinator at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Details to follow.  Free.
1630-1830 TBD eBird ‘Field Workshop’ Confirmed The field workshop will be led by the eBird team and is closely linked to the preceding lecture. Aimed principally at community leaders, teachers, professional guides etc but open to all birders. Free. (NB: there will be a separate series of workshops for guides on the Teveta programme starting on 28 November which is not part of the Festival as such. Details will be circulated separately by Bedrock Africa to those eligible idc.
Wednesday 30 Nov 1600-1700 The National Art Gallery, Livingstone Bird Ringing Lecture Confirmed Details to follow idc. Free.
Thursday 1 Dec TBC Siavonga Lecture Provisional Confirmation and further details to follow idc.
Saturday 3 Dec 1600-1730 The National Art Gallery, Livingstone The Third Annual Chiinga Siavwapa Memorial Lecture Confirmed Alec Cole, CATS, will update on human/elephant conflict mitigation and cohabitation programmes in the Livingstone/Victoria Falls area with the help of other guest speakers.
1800-2130 Dambwa Lagoons/South Dambwa Compound, Zambezi Ward, Livingstone South Dambwa Cultural & Wildlife Tour – The final event of the Festival. Confirmed Includes: Sundowners at the Dambwa Lagoons/Birding; Traditional Dancing by the SD children’s troupe; Discussion on sustainable community tourism and cohabitation with the community elders over traditional dinner at the home of one of the elders. This is not a free event, places are limited and booking must be made in advance – details to follow. The final event of the Festival.