Rodney District

New Zealand News

  • Add Audio to Your eBird Checklist!

    How many times have you been out birding, heard a sound, and thought, “I wish I had a recording of that!” Maybe it was a common bird giving an odd vocalization that you’ve never heard before, or a mystery sound that you want to research when you get home. Or perhaps you were in a quiet, pristine setting with a spectacular dawn chorus.

  • December's eBirder of the Month

    This month’s eBirder of the month challenge, sponsored by Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, focuses on documenting your eBird sightings using photos and audio. As announced in early November, we are ecstatic to have our Media Upload tool available across eBird—a partnership with the Macaulay Library that now allows you to drag-and-drop your media right into any eBird checklist, archiving it in Macaulay.

  • eBird and Macaulay Library: next generation tools for rich media

    It’s no surprise that birders are a visual and aural community—after all, we spend most of our time searching for birds by sight and sound. Millions of birders around the world now carry cameras into the field, and many people are beginning to record bird sounds using smartphones.

  • The New Zealand Red-billed Gull Survey

    You may not know that New Zealand's endemic Red-billed Gull is considered to be Endangered. Birds New Zealand and DOC are working together to investigate the status of the Red-billed Gull.

  • eBird is For Every Bird-watcher in New Zealand

    At eBird we believe that all bird observations have value. You need not be a globetrotting expert—some of the most valuable checklists are repeated observations from people who have never looked for birds outside their own backyard!

  • Are you really seeing Grey Ducks?

    Some people have commented to us “Why do you query our records of grey duck? The're common aren't they?” Well unfortunately they are not.

  • New eBird tab – Help & Info

    We are very excited to release our new Help & Info tab in eBird, which you is just right of My eBird. It shows up on Submit Data, Explore Data, and My eBird, but not yet on the Home and About pages (it will appear there soon).

  • 16th GBBC merges with eBird – 15-18 Feb 2013

    Are you ready for the 2013 Great Backyard Bird Count (15-18 February 2013)? This promises to be the biggest year ever as we open the GBBC to the entire world and integrate it with eBird!

  • Watch Real-Time eBird Submissions

    eBird gathers thousands of bird checklists every day from around the world. Did you ever wish you could watch these submissions come into eBird in real-time?