Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P--McCarthy Rd. (Chokosna River)

Bird List

Updated ~7 seconds ago
  1. Observer

Native and Naturalized (41)

  1. # Count: 20
    Observer: Sandy and Randy Reed
  2. # Count: 4
    Observer: Sandy and Randy Reed
  3. # Count: 2
    Observer: Chris Wilson
  4. # Count: 15
    Observer: Chris Wilson
  5. # Count: 6
    Observer: Chris Wilson

Additional Taxa (3)

  1. crossbill sp. Loxia sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Michele Miller
  2. Common/Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala clangula/islandica
    # Count: 10
    Observer: Alan Gutsell
  3. Greater/Lesser Scaup Aythya marila/affinis
    # Count: 8
    Observer: Dan Crowson