
What's on in June

New:- Preliminary Results of Himalayan Bird Count 2023 !

June welcomes the annual monsoon and so far, the patterns being observed haven’t disappointed. With resident species busy with nesting activity, and many being seen with fledged chicks – breeding season is in full swing as birds prepare for the abundance of the rainy season.

Cuckoos and others

This is also the season when a number of cuckoos across the country are in business. While the Pied Cuckoo is often associated with the monsoon other cuckoos too are very vocal and active this time of the year, probably to take advantage of the breeding cycles of the birds they parasitise upon.

But it is not just the cuckoos, many other birds seem to move around during this time of the year. For example, the Blue-tailed and Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters move into northern India along with Indian Golden Orioles.

Black-headed Cuckooshrikes and Oriental Honey-Buzzards, for example, are rarely recorded during the monsoon months in Karnataka and Kerala respectively. It’ll be interesting to notice if there are any patterns elsewhere in India.

Breeding Birds

Breeding activity for most birds continues into June and it’s a great time to document the locations and timing of breeding of birds by adding a suitable ‘Breeding Code’ whenever you see any signs of breeding: from ‘Singing male’ (indicating possible breeding) to ‘Nest with young’ (indicating confirmed breeding).

Learn more about breeding codes.

 Regular Events

A web page lists bird events (mostly walks) that are conducted on a regular schedule (typically weekly or monthly) by various birding groups across the country. Take a look to see if there is something happening near you!

This month’s eBirding Challenge also involves documenting brood-parasitic cuckoos around our region. The Global eBirding Challenge for the month of June can be seen here.
Are you organizing a birding event soon?

If so, please drop a line to so that we can include it in our monthly “What’s On in Birding” updates.