
What's On in August

August is an interesting month of the year. While most parts of the country continue to receive heavy rainfall, the amount of water and the associated increase in vegetation and prey items stimulates changes in birdlife both locally and in terms of long-distance migration.

Bountiful Monsoon

Continuing with July’s trend of emerging skulkers, here is another relatively difficult-to-see bird. The Rain Quail is recorded more often in August than at any other time of the year.


Seasonality Graph of Rain Quail. Screenshot from

Seasonality Graph of Rain Quail. Screenshot from


Birders in peninsular India should look out for Painted Francolin. Around this time of year  (breeding: Jun-Oct) Painted Francolin are exceptionally vocal and could be seen calling from a low perch of a tree stump or on the top of a rock or a fence post.

In wetlands and marshes across the country, resident life flourishes. Lesser Whistling-Ducks make the most of the large amounts of vegetation and breed in numbers across their range. Munias may often be seen eating grass seeds or gathering grass and other such vegetation for building or maintaining their nests. All the three widespread Lonchura species are more commonly noticed in these months.


Migrants Return

August is also a month for returning migrants. This includes migrants such as the European Roller, which passes through India en route to their wintering grounds in Africa. Others too, such as the large flocks of Rosy Starlings that so recently left for their breeding grounds, are now again being reported in N India. However, as in each year, the first birds to return are the waders and a number of Common and Green Sandpiper reports have already emerged from across the country. These are supplemented by reports of flocks of Black-tailed Godwits and Wood Sandpipers. Dabbling ducks like Gargneys though in small numbers have already arrived!


Have you seen Shakti Vel’s recently released blog post about his search for a rare warbler?

In the second edition of Himalayan Bird Count, around 380 eBirders from India, Nepal, and Bhutan uploaded 1,482 lists and recorded 654 species! This remarkable accomplishment highlights the success of this single-day birding event! Here are the final results!

Regular Events

This webpage lists bird events (mostly walks) that are conducted on a regular schedule (typically weekly or monthly) by various birding groups across the country. Take a look to see if there is something happening near you!


If you enjoy challenges, do take a look at some of the global challenges set for this new year.

The August 2023 eBirding Challenge for India can be seen here.

Take a look at the yearly challenge for India for 2023

There is also the global eBirder of the Month challenge (coming soon) as well as the global Checklist-a-day Challenge to look forward to.

Are you organizing a birding event soon?

If so, please drop a line to so that we can include it in our monthly “What’s On in Birding” updates.