West Bengal

What's On in October

October is one of the most awaited months of the year for birders. Wetlands start filling up with migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, while forests and shrubbery are abuzz with the chatter of warblers. It’s a month filled with excitement, change and some great birding! And so far, the birds haven’t disappointed – Greenish Warblers have reached the tip of the peninsula, Eurasian Hobbies have been recorded in Rajasthan and Gujarat, Bar-tailed Godwits have reached Kerala.


14 Oct 2023– India will celebrate its 6th Wild Bird Day. The idea is to spend as much time as you can observing and documenting birds on this day to generate a snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds at this time of the year.  See here for more.

1 October 2023 to 30 April 2024, Winter Bunting Count,  a citizen science project to document bunting species in Asia. See details here.

Winter Buting Count 2023


7 October 2023, Bengaluru Bird Day– An annual event where birders from Bangalore will come together to celebrate in honor of Dr. Joseph George, who started the group birdwatching movement in Bangalore four decades ago. See here for more.

Regular Events


A group of birders from Jungle Buddies are conducting a bird walk at Kachore Hills (Thane dist) on 15 Oct 2023. See here for more.

This webpage lists bird events (mostly walks) that are conducted on a regular schedule (typically weekly or monthly) by various birding groups across the country. Take a look to see if there is something happening near you!


If you enjoy challenges, do take a look at some of the global challenges set for this new year.

The October 2023 eBirding Challenge for India can be seen here.

Take a look at the yearly challenge for India for 2023

Coming soon -the global eBirder of the Month challenge and here is the global Checklist-a-day Challenge to look forward to.

Are you organizing a birding event soon?

If so, please drop a line to skimmer@birdcount.org so that we can include it in our monthly “What’s On in Birding” updates.