PortugalAves Checklist S185761125

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Owner Michael Todd


Protocol:  Traveling
  • Observers:  10
  • Distance:  3.91 mi

Checklist Comments

Pelagic trip with Madeira Wind Birds. Went east of Machico and then turned northeast past the eastern end of the island. The initial ride was calm but the wind and seas came up on the north side of the island. We had repeated passes by, and great looks at, Zino’s Petrels. We were surprised to see at least four White-faced Storm-Petrels attending the slick; one bird early and then three additional ones later. Weather was overcast and windy with one shower passing through.
Broken clouds - few clouds
Temperature: 70 - 78°F
Wind: 12mph (13 - 14mph gusts)
Wind Direction: N
Cloud Cover: 20 - 57%
Humidity: 82 - 85%
Sunrise: 7:00am
Sunset: 9:18pm
Weather generated by RainCrow

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 2.20.28


  1. Number observed:  3


  2. Number observed:  5
  3. Number observed:  4


  4. Number observed:  1


  5. Number observed:  4


  6. Number observed:  1


  7. Number observed:  75
  8. Number observed:  30
  9. Number observed:  1


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