Keep abreast of all Atlas events!
Click on an event for details. Webinar recordings can be found on our YouTube channel. To organize an event in your area, please coordinate with your local Regional Coordinator or the Project Coordinator.
Types of Events
We offer a variety of public events for beginner to advanced atlasers. If you are interested in hosting an event, please contact the Regional Coordinator in your area or send general inquiries to
Public Talks
Talks introduce the breeding bird atlas project (this is our third atlas!), highlights results so far, and discuss how to get involved. Talks are 30-40 minutes followed by a question and answer period. Suggested donation of $50 made payable to NYSOA.

Training workshop at the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies June 2019. Photo by Gary Lovett.
Training Workshops
Training workshops focus on how to apply the breeding codes (including a fun photo quiz!) and how to enter data to the Atlas using eBird.
- Online workshops focus on one of the three Atlas essentials: navigating the block system, identifying breeding behaviors, and using eBird for data entry. Online workshops will last 1-1.5 hrs.
- In-person workshops are 3 hrs long and should be hosted at a facility with a large screen, wi-fi, and tables for people to work at. Participants create an eBird account before the workshop and are asked to bring a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone to practice data entry.

Atlas workshop at the Adirondack Interpretive Center August 2019. Photo by Pat Thaxton.
Field Trips
Field trips are a great way for bird clubs to help support the atlas. You can organize an atlas-focused field trip to survey priority blocks in your area or target difficult birds, like owls and nightjars. Atlasing is slightly different from normal birding, and it’s helpful for new atlasers to go out with experienced people. Plus, it’s fun to atlas in groups! Field trips can be led by an Atlas team member or experienced atlaser.
Block Parties
Block Parties are fun-filled days where we split up in teams to atlas in remote blocks. It’s a great opportunity to explore new areas and meet fellow atlasers. We hope to organize some socially distanced Block Parties in 2022. Stay tuned!