チェックリスト S188211249
観察された数: 2
観察された数: 2
there were two that were flying over, not too high but there was still some fog, the shape recalled strongly this species, around the beginning i remember, heard very distinctive nutcracker like croaking calls that ive heard in henan.
観察された数: 1
lifer!!!! took pictures of any tit in the distance and first thought it was rufous vented but turned out to be coal tit with the white on back of head and the little dots on the wings!! if I remember correctly this was seen immediately before I saw rufous vented tit lifer, at least that's the order the photos were taken
観察された数: 1
lifer!!! got photos, got pretty close to me on tree along boardwalk.
観察された数: 3
at one place there was this small rest area along the 栈道 with some benches and stuff dd was sitting there and there were these tiny lil warblers preening on some bush/short tree, super cute puffing up feathers into two halves on the chest and preening itself non stop in fact it was hard to get good photos while it was sitting in the open because it kept preenign nonstop!! looks like a juvenile bird with yellow wash. didn't realize what species it was at first, idenified afterwards if I remember correctly. there was also at least one adult more gray throat and contrasting eyeline in the same tree, got some very nice photos of some very cute warblers there (cuter than greenish, much more round and little, sorry greenish :) at 29.654449, 102.941972 exactly
観察された数: 2
lifer!!! If I remember correctly, identified by song, since it's such high elevation I think only this golden spectacled is likely, anyways similar rich warblering song heard in henan, think dongniao picked it up, got some pics. included the HO audio birds in henan for the new ebird province record but this is the actual lifer encounter, 破例了 normally i dont add until the first visual lifer
観察された数: 3
Single most abundant warbler on the summit for the two days I was there. at the begining of the 栈道 after the three toed parrotbill there was a fork of the trail to this little section where there was a greenish in a bush and it allowed me to get very very close and it was even an adult but didn't mind me at all and got some very very nice photos, exhiliterating encounter!! wasn't able and still can't identify their songs, warbler songs are too hard, but included some clips that dongniao picked up
観察された数: X視聴覚メディア(動画、写真、音声)
観察された数: 2
lifer!!! finally getting photos after missing photos of it in henan (although not my first visualI). much more retiring than abberrant, staying very close to the grasses and only popping out after some pishing very briefly, still good enough to tell this species by its grayish face. cool!
観察された数: 6
lifer!!!! at least. probably much much more.goofy sounding bush warbler with weird song, warblers that almost sound like elliot laughingthrush's whistles, not like manchruian or brownish flanked and not like yellowish with its whistles. basically the brownish flanked of higher elevations, supper common through, although less at yuanyang podn later. got one very very nice photos up close about 1.5 m away on stalk while i was on boardwalk, pished out or playback dont remember but used sound to attract and it just perched on that stalk looking around and didn't flush until 10 secs later at least. super cute little guy with some beads of water on its head!!
観察された数: 2
lifer!!! first and only time seeing it on the entire trip, pretty much wawushan's 特产 hard to get it anywhere else and a sichuan endemic. very cool!! at the first curve after going right from the 榄车站 at exactl 29.657262, 102.94800 didnt realize what it was, I think I knew it was a. parrtobill of some kind but three toed didnt' cross my mind immediately. it just popped up from the ground or bushes somewhere and was a pair and flew off in less than 20 sec
観察された数: 1
lifer!!!! spotted some movement in bushes on right side of boardwalk at some point dont remembrer how exactly I detected it but it was foraging in the bushes i think dd called to it an instant i laid eyes on it knew it was a lifer, very colorful and new looking bird, and when i saw fulvous parrotbill identified i thought it was a very cool / fancy name since the word fulvous soudns pretty fancy lol
観察された数: 6
abundant, if I remember correctly. photos of one eating a tasty looking raspberry like fruit, my best photos of it yet!!
観察された数: 1
lifer!!! I think i heard its calls but couldn't find it and then we were at this gorge area probably this place 29.655865, 102.943994 there was this clearing of trills and downhilll there were many hillside vegetation in this small gorge like place played some songs and saw it leaping out and got some pics. it's also the place where I got very very brief split second views of a scaly or pygmy cupwing didn't see it again sadly :( it was in some shorter vegetation close to the boardwalk on the right (north).
観察された数: 8
abundant, dont remember where I saw them but probably many heard.
観察された数: 2
didn't realize until checking photos later, thought my lifer encounter was at yuanyang pond the day after. pics of juveniles and adult so at least two birds i think I just randomly took pics and didn't get to review them until later bedcause of a 鸟浪 or smth
観察された数: 2
some juveniles/adults dont remember details but theyre relaly common around here
観察された数: 1
one at the same spot where I saw the thrree toed parrotbills in fact saw this species first a female first in the bushes excited to see it bc that was within the first 5 minutes of starting to bird here
観察された数: 1詳細
gray-hooded fulvetta heard only at the same place as bf laughingthrush encounter
lifer!!! heard it calling very close and then saw it flying off a tree and tracked it very closely and luckily it landed on an open branch for me to get photos very far away! had to do manual focus zoom to get pics. first and only time seeing this species on the trip.