雌鳥 © Tomaz Melo
雄未成鳥 © Héctor Bottai
雌鳥 © Tomaz Melo
雄鳥 © Daniel Lane

White-bellied Dacnis Dacnis albiventris

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Small, handsome tanager with piercing yellow eyes. Males are mostly cobalt-blue with a white belly and a black mask. Note the black feathers on the back and the blue-edged wings. Females are greenish-olive. Rare; found in the canopy and edges of humid forest on poor-quality soils, where it forages acrobatically and sometimes accompanies mixed-species tanager flocks. The similar male of the more common Black-faced Dacnis has darker blue plumage and a black mask that extends to the nape, while females are browner above and paler below.