Дорослий птах © Andrey Navarro Brenes eBird S58753777 Macaulay Library ML 171206221
Іматурний птах © Jan Cubilla
Ювенільний птах © Volker Hesse
Дорослий птах © Oscar Ramirez Alan
Дорослий птах © Warren Bielenberg

Дрізд коста-риканський Turdus nigrescens

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

Very dark montane thrush. Robin-sized, all black with white eye and yellow eyering, bill, and legs. Female browner than male. No similar species in limited range. Found singly or in pairs at high elevations, usually above 2200m. Usually in the open, sometimes conspicuously hopping around on the ground but also at the forest edge.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN