成鳥オス © Ryan Schain eBird S32885440 Macaulay Library ML 41866011
成鳥メス © Matthew Eckerson
成鳥オス © Jacob McGinnis
幼鳥 © Gates Dupont
成鳥オス © Ryan Schain
+ 3
成鳥 © Jason Vassallo
生息環境 © Logan Korte

アメリカキクイタダキ Regulus satrapa




Tiny, hyperactive songbird usually found in conifer trees. Look for black stripes on the head and bold wing pattern. The namesake golden crown is usually just a small stripe, but can be flared into an expressive fiery-orange crest when agitated. Breeds in coniferous forests, usually staying high in trees. In migration and winter, often joins mixed flocks of other songbirds in a wider variety of wooded habitats. Very active; often hovers and flicks wings as it forages. Listen for extremely high-pitched call notes.