The Mayor of Rollinsford

Meet “Kevin” the first Sandhill Crane to overwinter in New Hampshire. Arriving in Rollinsford in August of 2017 and named Kevin by the townspeople, he became an instant celebrity as he often strolled down Main Street, earning the nickname “Mayor of Rollinsford.” But rather than migrate like other cranes, he remained in Rollinsford through March of 2018. See photos of “the Mayor” and read about his stay as well as a bit of the history of Sandhill Cranes in NH in the Winter 2017-18 Issue of New Hampshire Bird Records: (“Sandhill Crane Overwinters in NH” begins on page30).

Other articles in this issue include: Birding Green Road, Kingston: the Ordinary Extraordinary Back Road; Where are the Chickadees? Breeding Plumage American Goldfinch seen in Ashland in January; photos and field notes from the 2017-18 winter season; a photo quiz and more! Enjoy them all!

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From all of us at New Hampshire Bird Records-
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