New Hampshire News

  • A Remarkable Chuck-will’s-widow!

    Remember this Chuck-wills-widow from spring of 2022? It was one of the many rarities that people got to see thanks to Steve and Jane Mirick.

  • A Rugged Little Bird

    We expect most of the birds that frequent our yards and woods in summer to head south well before the first frost but sometimes a bird just refuses to leave! Such was the case the winter of 2011 when an Ovenbird that should have been enjoying the sunny warmth of southern Florida and the Caribbean decided to avoid the long flight and spend the winter in a backyard in Derry, arriving in December and staying ‘til April!

  • Dovkies and Puffins and Murres-Oh My!

    It’ll be a while before our songbirds return and you’re yearning to go birding – but why wait ‘til spring? Winter birding on the ocean, especially a well-timed off-shore trip may bring spectacular sightings – Dovkies, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and more!

  • Merrimack River in Winter

    Looking for a place to bird this winter where you might reliably find waterfowl and raptors and with a bit of luck even some songbirds? Then head on down to Manchester where the Merrimack River tends to remain open during winter providing a place to find wintering ducks as well as a variety of raptors on the lookout for lunch!

  • A Look Back

    Today a thriving colony of Common, Roseate and even Arctic Terns make their home on Seavey and White Islands at the Isles of Shoals; but just over 25 years ago the only terns on these islands were decoys – part of a tern restoration project begun in the Spring of 1997. Read excerpts from the […]

  • A Return after 235 Years!

    Last seen in NH in 1784, this elegant bird made an unexpected appearance here in 2019. Once abundant throughout most of North America, this bird was hunted close to extinction for its meat, its soft skin (used for powder puffs) and its feathers (used for women’s hats and the preferred feather for quill pens) and […]

  • An Under-birded Treasure

    An inland location with no big lake, Epping may not be on your radar for birding. But this little town has a variety of habitats spread among small conservation properties as well as larger tracts protected by the Southeast Land Trust (SELT) and the Society for the Protection of NH Forests (SPNHF).

  • Indoor Cats are for the Birds!

    It is not always easy to keep a cat indoors but learn why it’s important and get some encouragement from Poe, the indoor cat. He lives with his best cat-friend Raven and his photographer-publicists, Roger and Kathryn Frieden.

  • Lost? – and Found!

    If you’re a fan of NH Audubon’s Peregrine Cam, you look forward to seeing Manchester’s Peregrine pair return to the Brady-Sullivan Tower nest box each year; but if you were watching back in 2009 all you saw was an empty box! Eight years of consistent nesting in the tower and suddenly – gone!

  • Don’t Google that Bird!

    Whether you simply watch the birds that come to your yard or actively bird local parks or New Hampshire’s many sanctuaries and conservation lands, you’ve probably seen a bird you just can’t identify. One of the first things you might try to do is google it based on color, but this can be quite exasperating.