A Rugged Little Bird

We expect most of the birds that frequent our yards and woods in summer to head south well before the first frost but sometimes a bird just refuses to leave! Such was the case the winter of 2011 when an Ovenbird that should have been enjoying the sunny warmth of southern Florida and the Caribbean decided to avoid the long flight and spend the winter in a backyard in Derry, arriving in December and staying ‘til April! Read the account of this hardy bird in the Winter 2011-12 Issue of New Hampshire Bird Records: https://nhbirdrecords.org/nhbr-pdfs/V30%20N4%20Winter%202011-12.pdf. (“My Wintering Ovenbird” begins on page 50).

Other articles in this issue include: Satellite Tracking Answers Questions about NH Raptors; Photo Gallery-A Snowy Owl Winter; Birding by (smart) Phone; photos and field notes from the 2011-12 winter season and of course a Photo Quiz! Enjoy them all!

New Hampshire Bird Records is providing free access to its archives during the Covid-19 outbreak to help birders find information on birding locally and to remind us of the joy of birding.