Bird List

Updated ~7 seconds ago
  1. Observer

Native and Naturalized (159)

  1. # Count: 31
    Observer: David Ely
  2. # Count: 16
    Observer: Nathan Pieplow
  3. # Count: 15
    Observer: Elaine Wagner
  4. # Count: 9
    Observer: Sue Riffe
  5. # Count: 8
    Observer: Sue Riffe
  6. # Count: 3
    Observer: David Ely
  7. # Count: 3
    Observer: Chris Wood
  8. # Count: 2
    Observer: Andrew Core
  9. # Count: 2
    Observer: David Ely
  10. # Count: 2
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  11. # Count: 2
    Observer: Jason Cole
  12. # Count: 2
    Observer: Sue Riffe
  13. # Count: 2
    Observer: Loch Kilpatrick
  14. # Count: 2
    Observer: David Ely
  15. # Count: 2
    Observer: David Greenlee
  16. # Count: 2
    Observer: Chris Wood
  17. # Count: 2
    Observer: Kim Kennedy White
  18. # Count: 2
    Observer: Chris Wood
  19. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  20. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  21. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Alcock
  22. # Count: 1
    Observer: Mark Minner-Lee 🦉
  23. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  24. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  25. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  26. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  27. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  28. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Alcock
  29. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  30. # Count: 1
    Observer: Nick Moore
  31. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chris Petrizzo
  32. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  33. # Count: 1
    Observer: Van Remsen
  34. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  35. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  36. # Count: 1
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  37. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  38. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  39. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  40. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  41. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  42. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  43. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  44. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  45. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  46. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  47. # Count: 1
    Observer: Stoddard and Ellen Davenport
  48. # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  49. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  50. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chipper Phillips
  51. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  52. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  53. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  54. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chipper Phillips
  55. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  56. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  57. # Count: 1
    Observer: Nathan Pieplow
  58. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  59. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  60. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  61. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  62. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  63. # Count: 1
    Observer: Craig Rasmussen
  64. # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  65. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  66. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  67. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chris Wood
  68. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  69. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  70. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  71. # Count: 1
    Observer: Mark Minner-Lee 🦉
  72. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  73. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  74. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  75. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  76. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  77. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  78. # Count: 1
  79. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  80. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric DeFonso 🦑
  81. # Count: 1
    Observer: Alicia Arnold 🦩
  82. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  83. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  84. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  85. # Count: 1
    Observer: Mark Minner-Lee 🦉
  86. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  87. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  88. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  89. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  90. # Count: 1
    Observer: Elaine Wagner
  91. # Count: 1
    Observer: Tyler Wilson
  92. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  93. # Count: 1
    Observer: Tim Smart
  94. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  95. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  96. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  97. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  98. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  99. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chris Petrizzo
  100. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chris Petrizzo
  101. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  102. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  103. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  104. # Count: 1
    Observer: Chipper Phillips
  105. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  106. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  107. # Count: 1
    Observer: Sue Riffe
  108. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  109. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  110. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  111. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  112. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  113. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  114. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  115. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  116. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  117. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  118. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  119. # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  120. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  121. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  122. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  123. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  124. # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  125. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  126. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  127. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  128. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  129. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  130. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  131. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  132. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  133. # Count: X
    Observer: Nathan Pieplow
  134. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  135. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  136. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  137. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  138. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  139. # Count: X
    Observer: Nathan Pieplow
  140. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  141. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  142. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  143. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  144. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  145. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  146. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  147. # Count: X
    Observer: David Ely
  148. # Count: X
    Observer: Christopher Gray
  149. # Count: X
    Observer: Roger Linfield
  150. # Count: X
    Observer: Nathan Pieplow

Exotic: Escapee (2)

  1. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric Zorawowicz
  2. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely

Additional Taxa (16)

  1. swallow sp. Hirundinidae sp.
    # Count: 18
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz
  2. Cackling/Canada Goose Branta hutchinsii/canadensis
    # Count: 10
    Observer: Chipper Phillips
  3. duck sp. Anatidae (duck sp.)
    # Count: 5
    Observer: Chipper Phillips
  4. Eurasian/American Wigeon Mareca penelope/americana
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Jay Hutchins
  5. hummingbird sp. Trochilidae sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Wolfe R
  6. Lesser/Greater Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes/melanoleuca
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  7. gull sp. Larinae sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Chris Petrizzo
  8. Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk Accipiter striatus/cooperii
    # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  9. Buteo sp. Buteo sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  10. Empidonax sp. Empidonax sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Chris Petrizzo
  11. Cassin's/Western Kingbird Tyrannus vociferans/verticalis
    # Count: 1
    Observer: David Ely
  12. new world flycatcher sp. Tyrannidae sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Chipper Phillips
  13. Catharus sp. Catharus sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  14. new world sparrow sp. Passerellidae sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Jason Cole
  15. new world warbler sp. Parulidae sp.
    # Count: 1
  16. passerine sp. Passeriformes sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Matt Hofeditz