The Nilgiris

India News

  • What's On in June

    It’s that time of the year when we would ideally have our umbrellas, raincoats, and gumboots out. But with the 2nd wave of pandemic, we may not be able to venture outdoors.  Confined to our houses, maybe this month, we can enjoy the rains and birds from our balconies, backyards, and rooftops!

  • What's On in April

    The rising temperatures across the country signify that summer is upon us. With most of the winter migrants gone, this is a good season to catch some of the migrants on their way back, especially in the east and north-east regions (example: Large-billed Leaf Warbler, Brown-breasted Flycatcher), although the birds may only stopover for a […]

  • What's On in March

    March is an interesting month for birding. Winter migrants are getting ready to embark on their journey back to their breeding grounds, and some of our resident breeders are starting to sing.

  • What's On in February

    The year 2021 started with a lot of birding activities— Counts were carried out during Asian Waterbird Census, Bihu Bird Count, Pongal Bird Count, and a few cities also had their bird races. We believe this enthusiasm will continue for the upcoming events.

  • What's On in December

    November saw a migrant madness! Birders from across the country reported rare and unexpected species.

  • Whats on in November

    Winter is around the corner and we’ll soon be unpacking our scarves, sweaters, and tall socks. Our birds on the other hand will be doing everything they can to keep themselves warm- from storying fat to fluffing up their feathers, finding suitable roosting places, and much more.

  • Whats on in October

    October is a great time to appreciate and enjoy migratory birds! Wetlands begin to fill up with waders and waterfowl, while trees and shrubs are buzzing with warblers.

  • Whats on in September

    It’s an exciting time of the year to be birding in India! An increasing number of shorebirds from various parts of the world have started arriving, inhabiting small and large water bodies across the country.

  • Whats on in August

    While the monsoon continues in many parts of the country, August is a relatively pleasant month and can be quite fruitful for birders. The increase in vegetation and invertebrates sustain the newly fledged and juvenile birds.

  • Whats on in July

    Half-way through the year, July falls right in the middle of the birding “off-season” with hardly a migrant in sight. With several states still under travel restrictions, birders may not be able to venture out much.