Checklist S158396072

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Location Jacob Stout Rd, Doylestown US-PA

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Owner Eric Zawatski


Protocol:  Stationary
  • Observers:  1

Checklist Comments

36F, 40% clouds, winds NW 10-15 mph at this exposed location, felt much colder than 37F. Pulled in here after seeing the large CANG flock in the field while driving south on 313 and did a quick scan for anything notable embedded within the flock. Didn’t stay too long as to not wear out my welcome, and I did not see any of the WCSPs that winter here, though my search for them was very cursory.

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 2.20.28


  1. Number observed:  1


    Adult bird, mixed in with the CANG flock in the field north of the housing development. Deep orange bill and legs, overall dark coloration, and extensive black on the belly indicate Greenland subspecies, though I would have liked a better/closer view of


  2. Number observed:  4


    Minimum count, and these were very obvious even at a distance. Noticeably very small, with lighter and frostier coloration to upper parts than surrounding CANG, short necks, blocky heads, and small bills. These four were sticking together at the fringe of the flock, and there were a few others that may have also been CACG as well, though they were mostly obscured by the grasses in the field.

  3. Number observed:  1000
  4. Number observed:  3
  5. Number observed:  2
  6. Number observed:  1
  7. Number observed:  1
  8. Number observed:  2
  9. Number observed:  1
  10. Number observed:  4
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