Win a free spot in the Cornell Lab’s waterfowl identification course

By Team eBird 1 Oct 2021
Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis

After the nesting season many waterfowl species replace their old, worn feathers with new ones. A fresh set of feathers can bring all sorts of fun ID challenges—especially during the short “eclipse plumage” when typically colorful male ducks resemble their muted female counterparts. Every eligible checklist you submit in October gives you a chance to win free access to Be a Better Birder: Duck and Waterfowl Identification. You’ll love the helpful ID techniques in this course that cover ducks, geese, swans, loons, grebes, and more. 

We’ve partnered with Bird Academy to offer this exciting educational resource to ten lucky eBirders for free in thanks for your eBirding. If you like taking part in the eBirder of the Month Challenges, here are even more excuses to motivate yourself to get out birding. Each month of 2021 will feature a different Bird Academy course offering. Tune in at the start of November to see what’s on tap for next month.