Checklist S44672146

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Owner Gates Dupont


Protocol:  Stationary
  • Observers:  8

Checklist Comments

Looking around the marina area. There was a white morph Great Blue Heron hunting at the marina and a manatee surfacing occasionally, as well as several American Crocodiles. A Ridgway's Osprey made a brief pass to the east.

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.4.114


  1. Number observed:  1
  2. Number observed:  1
  3. Number observed:  1
  4. Number observed:  12
  5. Number observed:  1


    Foraging at the marina.


  6. Number observed:  1
  7. Number observed:  1
  8. Number observed:  5
  9. Number observed:  4
  10. Number observed:  16


  11. Number observed:  1


    **Rare, continuing. Possibly the same individual observed at this location a couple weeks prior. A single individual seen at moderate distance but well, flying along the tree line east of the marina. First picked out by its very light head, looking almost entirely white at first but with a light, diffuse brown patch behind the eye apparent when looking closer. After picking it out, I noted lighter underwings, with a broad stretch of white extending into the underwings. The range of variation present in intergrades may still be unclear, and we may keep that as a possibility, but the bird appeared very white-headed, with an extremely reduced head pattern, at least as much as other ridgwayi photographed in southern Florida. My camera was in use recording the Great Blue Heron, so we were not able to get photos of this bird. Possibly increasing in the area, or more likely being detected at higher rates as birders become more aware of this ID.

  12. Number observed:  1
  13. Number observed:  1
  14. Number observed:  2


  15. Number observed:  5
  16. Number observed:  10
  17. Number observed:  1
  18. Number observed:  1

Additional species seen by Jeremy Collison:

  1. Number observed: 4
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