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Number observed: 2
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 1
Great views of a female at the 3.1km mark
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 4
Number observed: 3
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 1
Fantastic views of one giving a lovely fluting song
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 1
Great views singing just above the bat cave at dawn
Number observed: 1
White-crowned/Bornean Forktail
Number observed: 1Details
on Sungei Kipumgit; not sure of species here
Number observed: 1
Close views of one singing early on
Number observed: 1
Initailly heard calling near the fork 1.8km along the trail, and after being elusive for a while, I tracked them down 150m or so uphill along the trail. This was aided by frequent 'tremulous soft hooting' vocalisations - in hindsight perhaps I heard courtship, as two groups of friends saw these birds in the same area a week or two later and witnessed them carrying nesting material. When eventually located, superb views: according to notes at the time "the shades of green and blue were indescribable, and the azure blue wedge seemed to spread onto puffed-out flank feathers" on the male, while the female showed a "yellow tint to the sides not illustrated in the field guide". Seems like I was impressed. At that stage probably the best bird I'd ever seen in my life.