Checklist S175289359
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Number observed: 1
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 10
Rare for time of year.
Number observed: 1
Rare for location. While in my car in front of my home, using the car as a blind monitoring an EABL nest, I look up thru the moonroof and I see 2 MIKI and 1 STKI, fairly low and in perfect position to take my "Picture of the Year".
Shutter pressed -- no battery in camera.
This is third day in a row seeing MIKI in same area of sky. Two previous days it was an adult male. I wish I could have identified the sex and age since there were two.
All I could salvage once I found my battery and returned was seeing Cedar Waxwings flycatching, a decent consolation as CEWA now rare for time of year..