Male (Buru) © Mike Edgecombe eBird S119138325 Macaulay Library ML 619480222
Male (Seram) © bob butler
Male (Tanimbar) © David Marques
Female (Buru) © James Eaton
Male (Buru) © David and Kathy Cook
+ 5
Male (Tanimbar) © David Marques
Male (Buru) © Gil Ewing
Male (Seram) © Lucas DeCicco
Male (Buru) © David Hoar

wallaceaplystrer Pachycephala macrorhyncha

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A chunky, heavy-billed songird. Highly variable, with possibly multiple species involved. Male is distinctive, with a black hood, a white throat (bright yellow on Tanimbar), a bright yellow underside, and dull green upperparts with a golden collar. Females are dull, with brown or gray upperparts, a pale throat, and pale buff to yellow underparts. Female differs from Fawn-breasted Whistler in having a larger body and a longer, heavier bill; from female Wallacean Whistler by absence of throat streaking; and from Drab Whistler by yellower underside and browner upperside. Vocalizations variable, with loud whistles sometimes ending in whip-cracking notes, such as “wee-wee-wee-WHIP-CHOO.”