Adulte © Ramit Singal
Immature © Niall D Perrins
Adulte © Niall D Perrins
Adulte © David Southall
+ 2
Immature © James Churches

Albatros de Carter Thalassarche carteri

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Massive seabird, but relatively small and slender for an albatross. Breeds on islands in the Southern Indian ocean from Marion and Prince Edward to Amsterdam and St. Paul. Ranges mainly at subtropical latitudes in the Indian Ocean, from South Africa to Australia, rarely to New Zealand. On adult, note soft gray cheek, typically much less extensive than hood of Atlantic Yellow-nosed. Young birds mostly white-headed with limited gray around eye; some difficult or impossible to separate from Atlantic Yellow-nosed. Bill is long, thin, and black, with yellow-orange stripe along the top ridge (culmen) on adults. Also look for thicker black leading edge on underwing to help separate from White-capped Albatross at a distance. Also compare with Gray-headed and Black-browed Albatross; note underwing pattern, bill pattern, head color.