Adult © Daniel Hinckley | eBird S65098673 Macaulay Library ML 205203251
Immature © William Price
Adult © Chris Fischer
Adult © Daniel Hinckley |
Adult © Andrew Spencer
+ 3
Adult © Peter Hawrylyshyn
Adult © Daniel Hinckley |

Yellow-green Brushfinch Atlapetes luteoviridis

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Hefty, long-tailed finch with a very limited range in western Panama. Its olive-greenish body with contrasting black head and bright yellow tufts at the base of each leg make this bird distinctive. Poorly known, but behavior apparently similar to Yellow-thighed Finch (no range overlap); found close to the ground, working through low tangles and bushes in pairs or small groups. Sometimes ventures up into the middle levels. Prefers forest and edges.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN