Juvenile © Evan Lipton
Immature © Christoph Moning
Adult © Oscar Johnson
Juvenile © K Shell
+ 5
Adult © Josephine Kalbfleisch
Adult © David Clark
Adult © Ryan Sanderson
Habitat © Rob Bielawski

אנפת לילה צהובת-כיפה Nyctanassa violacea

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Often inconspicuous heron, roosts in trees by day. Feeds nocturnally, specializing on crabs. Adults have bold black-and-white head pattern and gray body. Brown immatures similar to Black-crowned Night-Heron. Yellow-crowned has longer legs and neck; thicker bill. Legs project beyond the tail in flight. Juvenile Yellow-crowned has smaller white spots on wing coverts than Black-crowned.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN