成鳥和幼鳥 © Bopanna Pattada
成鳥 © Abhinand C
鳥群 © Selvaganesh K

Wayanad Laughingthrush Pterorhinus delesserti

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A shy, medium-large laughingthrush with a black face mask and whitish underparts. It has a dark slaty-gray crown and mantle and chestnut-brown upperparts. White chin and throat shade to gray on the breast, orange-rufous on the mid-belly, and a rich rufous on the lower flanks. Juvenile is duller on crown than adult, more chestnut above, and warmer on the breast. Occurs in flocks in wet, mid-altitude forests. Sometimes as many as forty birds can be seen rummaging in the undergrowth, bursting into a loud ruckus when disturbed, giving insistent sharp screeches: “tree” or “jhree.” It also has a more musical song which is heard less often.