メス © Rainer Seifert
オス © Carmelo López Abad
オスとメス © Rainer Seifert
オス © Catherine McFadden
+ 3
メス © Forest Botial-Jarvis
オス © Erickson Tabayag

アカハシサイチョウ Rhabdotorrhinus leucocephalus




A large bird of lowland forest on Mindanao and neighboring islands. Mostly black with a black-tipped white tail, a red casque and bill with ridges on the lower base, and orange bare skin around the eye and chin pouch. Male has an orange chest and neck and a white head. Female has a black neck and head. Similar to Rufous Hornbill, but has a black-tipped tail. Also similar to Mindanao Hornbill, but larger, with a red bill. Voice is a loud, nasal “waag!”