メス © Neil Hayward
オス © David Irving
オス © Nancy Cox
オス © John Martin

チャムネセワタビタキ Batis fratrum




A cute, dumpy, colorful flycatcher-like bird with a diffuse buff breast that distinguishes it from other batises in its range. The sexes differ: the male has a white wing bar and pale throat; the female has a buffy wing bar and buffy throat. Pairs are restricted to the middle levels and understory of lowland and coastal forest and their edges. The species actively hover-gleans for insects, often near the ground, occasionally noisily snapping its bill. Forages solitarily or in mixed-species flocks, where its presence is revealed by the male delivering repeated piping “weeeeooo” calls and the female answering with a croaky buzzing “krej-krej-krjjer.”