繁殖期の成鳥 © Melissa James eBird S23963343 Macaulay Library ML 86706511
非繁殖期/未成鳥 © Ian Davies
非繁殖期/未成鳥 © Ian Davies
繁殖期の成鳥 © Jesse Amesbury
成鳥 © Melissa James
+ 2
繁殖期の成鳥 © Chris Wood

ウィルソンチドリ Anarhynchus wilsonia




Large black bill is diagnostic. Slightly larger than similar plovers, with large blocky head. Breeding plumage shows thick black band across breast, white forehead, and bolder face pattern; nonbreeding birds show less contrast. Legs dull pinkish. Found on sandy beaches, usually singly but sometimes in small loose flocks. Medium-brown upperparts similar but slightly paler than Semipalmated Plover, notably darker than Snowy or Piping.