Female © Sandy Gayasih
Female © Merryl Edelstein
Male © Fanis Theofanopoulos (ASalafa Deri)
Female © Geoffrey Groom

Оругеро білокрилий Lalage sueurii

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Slender inhabitant of open wooded areas in lowlands and foothills. Smartly-patterned black-and-white male can be difficult to distinguish from Sulawesi and Pied Trillers where ranges overlap, but note his extremely narrow white eyebrow and less extensive white on the wing. Female, with her dirt-brown back, is fairly distinctive among trillers. Forages in trees and on the ground; often uses exposed perches. Gives a fast, high-pitched series of “tchew” notes, often with a quiet introductory note.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN