オス © Roland Bischoff eBird S64427831 Macaulay Library ML 208983761
メス © Roland Bischoff
オス © Roland Bischoff
オス © Roland Bischoff
メス © Roland Bischoff
+ 2
オス © Roland Bischoff

ハジロイロムシクイ Apalis chariessa




Spectacular, slender canopy warbler-like bird with a long and graduated white-tipped dark tail. Sexes look different: male has glossy-black upperparts and broad collar, yellow-orange belly, and distinctive white throat and wing panel. Female is duller, crown is gray and back is olive green, but distinctive wing patterning is consistent. Pairs are scarce and local residents in the canopy of low and mid-altitude forest, usually below 1600m. Sometimes joins mixed-species flocks. Calls a lively rollicking repeated up-and-down “tu-ree-du-lee”, for up to a minute at a time.