メス © Akash Gulalia
オス © Mukesh Sehgal
オス © Able Lawrence
オス © Rajendra Gurung

オジロノビタキ Saxicola leucurus




An active little bird that inhabits reeds and tall grasses in low-lying wetlands. Flicks its tail often to reveal white feathers with black edges and tips. The male has a black hood with a neat border along the collar, white underparts, and a red patch on the breast. Its back is black in the breeding season and brown with streaks in the nonbreeding season. The female is grayish-brown with an indistinct supercilium and a white throat. Both sexes similar to Common Stonechat, but female White-tailed Stonechat is paler, while the male appears whiter below and shows the white in the tail when flicked or in flight.