- Passeriformes
- Passerellidae
Белогорлая зонотрихия Zonotrichia albicollis
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Large, long-tailed sparrow. Usually shows a bold head pattern and contrasting white throat. Two morphs with different head colors: white-striped and tan-striped. Both morphs show a yellow patch in front of the eye, but it is more obvious on white-striped birds. Adults have a fairly plain gray-brown breast without bold streaks, but immatures can be quite streaky. Note the grayish bill, unlike White-crowned Sparrow. Breeds in coniferous or mixed forests, often near clearings. In migration and winter, can be found in woods, forest edge, thickets and shrubby fields. Whistled song often transcribed as "Old Sam Peabody" or "O Sweet Canada." Visits feeders.
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