メス © John Clough
幼鳥 © Tiffany Wu
オス © Neoh Hor Kee
メス © Allen Lyu
+ 3
オス © Saurabh Sawant
メス © Wing Yan Ng

コンヒタキ Myiomela leucura




Stately ground-dwelling songbird of dense mid- to upper-elevation broadleaf and mixed forests, particularly in areas with bamboo. Male a striking rich blue with brighter patches on crown and wings, female brown overall with white throat and belly. Both sexes have large white patches on sides of tail that flash brightly in the gloom of the forest when fanned. When the white tail patch is not visible, ground-dwelling habits and horizontal posture distinguish male from the similar Large Niltava. Song is beautiful, a short series of ringing silvery whistles, usually rising. Most common call is a high thin “tzin.”