© Thierry NOGARO
© Thierry NOGARO
© Eric Carpenter

Піві білогорлий Contopus albogularis

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

Small, inconspicuous, locally-distributed flycatcher. Both sexes are entirely dark gray with exception of prominent white throat patch. Inhabits rainforest, usually in areas with numerous rock outcrops, inselbergs, or bauxite plateaus. Found alone or in pairs, in canopy or just beneath it; sallies from perches to catch insects in mid-air, often returning to the same perch. Much darker than Tropical Pewee or Eastern/Western Wood-Pewee; range does not overlap with those of other dark pewees, all of which lack white in throat. Sharp, piping call notes are often overlooked, though they may be given for long periods throughout the day.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN