Adult © Marco Valentini
Adult © Vincent Wang
Adult © Santanu Manna
Juvenile © Ingo Rösler
+ 2
Adult © Ian Davies

skorec vodní Cinclus cinclus

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Plump little gray bird found along unpolluted rivers and streams, almost always near running water. Bright white "bib" is present across vast majority of range, but a “dark morph” (all dark brown) exists in parts of Asian range. Mainly found in foothills and uplands, rarely in flatlands or coastal plains unless some running water is nearby. Usually encountered as singles feeding inconspicuously among rocks and pools; swims readily and even dives underwater. Often bobs persistently when standing, and flies strongly and low over the water, with whirring wingbeats. Loud, repetitive song is somewhat thrush-like, and carries well over the rushing water. Call is a dry “tzitzit.”