成鳥 © Christopher Di Corrado eBird S43669113 Macaulay Library ML 94304861
幼鳥 © Kenneth Butler
成鳥 © Santiago Imberti
成鳥 © Martjan Lammertink
成鳥和未成鳥 © Martjan Lammertink

White-throated Caracara Daptrius albogularis

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Uncommon in southern Andes; range does not overlap with Mountain Caracara. Favors open habitats above treeline, but also ranges lower to scavenge at dumps and in farmland with open trees. Often associates with Chimango and Crested Caracaras at the dump outside Ushuaia, Argentina. Sails, soars, and tumbles easily on updrafts. Adult is handsome and strikingly patterned black-and-white with creamy white underparts and a bold white tail tip. Juvenile is rather similar to smaller Chimango Caracara, but distinguished by black (not pale) bill.