Самець © Andres Vasquez Noboa eBird S106333162 Macaulay Library ML 432565201
Самиця © Oliver Burton
Самець © Micheline Bisson
Самець © Brian Sullivan
Самець © Rick Folkening
+ 3
Самиця © Rolando Jordan
Самець © Jerry Elling

Танагра-жалібниця білоплеча Loriotus luctuosus

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Small tanager with striking sexual dimorphism: male entirely black with bold white shoulder patch; female olive above and yellow below with gray head. Male most similar to White-lined Tanager but smaller with much more obvious white shoulder. Female confusing, could be mistaken for several other species of tanagers; always note small size and fairly thick bill. Typically found in pairs or small groups, usually with mixed feeding flocks, in forested habitats in lowlands and foothills.

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