メス © Doug Gochfeld
幼鳥 © Kristof Zyskowski
オス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
オスとメス © Jacques Erard
+ 3
オスと幼鳥 © Charley Hesse TROPICAL BIRDING
オス © Chris Barnes

カタジロオーストラリアムシクイ Malurus alboscapulatus




The common and widespread fairywren of grasslands. A small bird with a long tail that it often cocks. Male is all black with a white shoulder patch. Females vary geographically, brown in some areas and black in others, but always have white throat, chest and a broken white eye-ring. The male Pied Bushchat has a similar color scheme but White-shouldered Fairywren has a much longer tail that it cocks. Song, a constantly repeated, high-pitched, jumbled phrase. Call a dry rattle.