Взрослая в брачном наряде © Jay McGowan eBird S69262863 Macaulay Library ML 239403841
Молодая птица © Samuel Paul Galick
Молодая птица © Luke Seitz
Негнездящаяся взрослая © Ray Turnbull
Взрослая на линьке © Annie Lavoie
+ 4
Молодая птица © Patrice St-Pierre
Молодая птица © Daniel Irons
Взрослая в брачном наряде © Ian Davies

Бонапартов песочник Calidris fuscicollis

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Long-winged sandpiper most easily identified by size and shape. Slightly larger than other small sandpipers; noticeably elongated body and long wingtips. Distinctive white rump visible in flight. In breeding plumage, crisply spangled black and brown wings; note warmer brown cheek and crown and extensive fine streaking on sides. Nonbreeding plumage is plainer gray with pale eyebrow; typically shows some streaking on sides well into the fall. Juvenile bright and crisp; note pale eyebrow and long wings. In all plumages, shows brownish base to the lower mandible, only visible at close range. Most similar to Baird's Sandpiper but grayer. Found on mudflats, shallow marshy pools, and flooded fields; often mixed with other small shorebirds. Short, high-pitched, metallic call usually given in flight or when alarmed.