© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
© Dermot Breen
© James Moore (Maryland)
© Tommy Pedersen
+ 3
© Mike Andersen
© Lasse Olsson

ハゲチメドリ Picathartes gymnocephalus




A bizarre and unique ground-loving bird, large but slender, with long legs, tail, and neck and extensive yellow facial skin with large dark brown patches behind the eyes resembling earmuffs. Resident in lowland forest, hill forest, and secondary scrub where there are large boulders and caves inside the forest for them to use for nesting and roosting. Forages in pairs or groups on the forest floor, bouncing effortlessly through the undergrowth on strong legs and returning to rocks most nights to roost communally. Mostly silent, but makes low clucking and other soft contact calls.