© David Beadle
© Holger Teichmann
© Wilbur Goh

Монарх білокрилий Carterornis pileatus

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An unmistakable black-and-white songbird with a distinctive face pattern. Note the black head with white markings, the black wings with a broad white wing panel, and the white underparts. Juveniles browner on upperparts, head, and throat. Singles and pairs inhabit the upper levels of forest in the lowlands and lower hills, regularly following mixed-species flocks. Distinct within restricted range in north Moluccas. Regular vocalizations include a ringing “weee-weee-weee-weee,” a more agitated “tzit-tzit-witcheu-witcheu,” single harsh, rasping “tzit” notes, and single slurred “tcheu” notes.

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