Самець © Héctor Bottai eBird S54261947 Macaulay Library ML 147515811
Самиця © Robin Oxley 🦉
Самець © Noah Frade
Самець © Knut Hansen
Самець © Silvia Faustino Linhares

Аляпі чубатий Myrmoborus lophotes

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Large antbird of bamboo stands in river edge forest. Males are dark gray with bright white wing bars and a darker blackish crest that is raised when agitated; females appear two-toned: orange above, with creamy white face and underparts. Both sexes have a red eye. Primarily found in bamboo, but occasionally found in other dense habitats, like cane thickets and heliconias along streams. Song is a descending, accelerating series of whistled notes, with a noticeable gap between the first note and the rest; “TEW … tew, tew, tew, tewtutututu”.

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