Дані для:
© Sandy Vorpahl
© Mike Andersen
© Daniel Branch

Таміка товстодзьоба Cisticola lateralis

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

Large, plain cisticola. The most outstanding aspects of the plumage are the white underparts and two bands across the tip of the tail, one pale and one black. Found in a variety of open habitats, including moist savanna, scrub, overgrown cultivation, and forest edge and clearings. The distinctive song is a quick, liquid warble, given from a prominent perch. As with other cisticolas, habitat and vocalizations are important to identification. Fairly similar to Singing Cisticola, but lacks a rufous cap and panel in the wings. Also similar to Trilling and Chattering Cisticolas, but lacks rufous on the cap.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN


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