Дорослий птах © Zak Pohlen eBird S50986066 Macaulay Library ML 134507121
Іматурний птах © Kyle Kittelberger
Дорослий птах © Joan and/or George Sims
Дорослий птах © Bradley Hacker 🦜
Дорослий птах © Kyle Kittelberger

Слотняк білоголовий Phoeniculus bollei

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Odd, long-tailed, slender-billed bird. There is some geographical variation, but the face always shows some white, except in juvenile birds. Note the red bill and legs. Found in humid forest. Always in groups, usually of 5-10 members. The distinctive call is a quick, dry rattling, given by a whole group in chorus. Similar to Forest Woodhoopoe, but easily separated by the red bill and legs. Separated from scimitarbills by the white face and the less curved bill.

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